Thursday, January 8, 2009

I kindof had a freak out/panic attack yesterday. It was chemically induced, but never the less had quite an affect on my psyche. Everything that had been swirling around in my head came to a head, but for the best overall. I hadn't gone through and done the paperwork to get hired back on with the city earlier than April. I don't know if I really want to go back to work for the city, but a job is a job and overall the work is worth it. Sometimes it seems like I know exactly what I need to do, when I need to do it and everything, but then I just don't get it done. It is seems (to me) a stupid problem, but I guess I'm working on it and that is a start. So yesterday after I freaked out I made a bunch of phone calls about the city job. Today I went out and filled out all the paper work and made some more phone calls. It sounds like I won't hear anything until the 15th at the least. Which is also when Paul, one of the owners of Rack Attack (the other job I'm not really working at right now) comes into town. His visit can give me the opportunity to pitch my ideas about shuffling the staff around and how the store can be managed much better and all that. Right now it sounds like my fate for at least the next few months will be decided in about a week.

I'm glad I had this freak-out because it was a way for me to clear my head after the holidays and realize that I was wasting a lot of time on the internet not really doing anything. So I going to try to be a little better about making my time a little more constructive. Time will tell I guess.

I have been pretty good so far about doing my core exercises. It feels really good and using the Swiss ball has made it a lot more fun! I haven't gotten on the bike trainer like I feel like I should, but I would almost rather work on my core, do stretches and ride the fixie around town for the winter. Once we get some drier days I think I will just go outside and ride.

A couple of days ago I brewed an amber ale. I'm not too sure how it is going to turn out. I got a little lazy with my sanitizing and used too much water during the boil. I am still learning so I just need to stick with it. I really want to figure out how to either get more out of my yeast or tone down the sweetness of the final product. I know it is because I am using syrup, but there has to be something I can do. I really like the IPA that I just bottled, but the sweetness for me is a big turn off. I know with that one I didn't get as much fermentation as I wanted, so hopefully with this Amber I will get more of a clue.

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